Writing a book can be a long and tedious process. If you are like most writers, there are days where you just simply don’t feel like writing. When you have days where you feel uninspired and lazy, you may become restless; or when you are nearing the end of writing your book, you may become burned out. Luckily, there are some great tips you can take into consideration to help you stay motivated and focused to finish writing your book.
One motivation tip for writing a book is to engage in activities that make you feel like writing. Try and think of some things that excite you and make you feel chatty. This could be a movie, a favorite food, or being around people you love and enjoy. You can even try more relaxing and serene activities like reading your favorite book or listening to one of your favorite songs. The whole objective is to get your creative juices flowing so you’ll be inspired to keep going.
Another tip to stay motivated when writing a book is to set a writing schedule and stick to it. Make it a goal to write a specific amount of words each day and reserve a set time in the day or evening to meet your goal. You can even create a motivating reminder for yourself (from your smart phone), reminding you why you desire to finish your project. This daily “kick in the butt” from yourself will not only put a smile on your face but it’ll encourage you to finish what you started.
Having an accountability partner is another great tip to help keep you motivated when writing a book. This is a person who plays the role of offering you support and nagging you to get your difficult task completed successfully. This works best if you are both holding each other accountable to something, rather than it only being a one way deal. Make it fun but make sure that the rules are clear about the nagging that will take place. By having an accountability partner, it will be nearly impossible to not be motivated to finish writing your book.
Going out for a hike/walk in nature can also be helpful when you are having trouble staying focused and motivated to finish your book. Make sure to bring a pen and notebook so you can capture the surroundings and beauty around you. It’s a known fact that water can open your mind to a vast array of ideas, so seek out hiking areas with waterfalls or rivers. Engaging in nature activity will recharge your mind and spirit making it easier for the words of your book to flow until completion. Staying motivated to finish writing a book can be an extremely difficult thing to do.
However, with the proper mindset, it is possible. While it is important to begin writing a book with motivation, it is equally as important to have a plan and ideas that will sustain it. If you are able to sustain your motivation, you will be able to accomplish things you never thought were possible to achieve.